To be fair, the sh*t flies from both sides. But there are specific reasons for what you speak of. It all boils down to Israel, the U.S., and greed.
Israel is motivated by greed. They want to get their grubby paws on every inch of land that they possibly can and to hell with anyone who doesn't stand with them. Do they have the right to exist? Of course. But NOT in Palestine. They do NOT have the right to return to and claim a land they willingly left, proclaim it a holy land because "God said" they should settle there, and massacre an entire group of people. The land was supposed to be reparations for "The Holocaust". But most of the Jews didn't go there- They went to America. It was mainly rich Jews from America who occupied Israel and claimed something intended for holocaust survivors.
What do Arabs have to do with "The Holocaust"? Nothing. So, then, why are they being killed? And why are the Jews who dare to speak out against this being beaten and killed? It's because Israel wants total control over the middle east. And that's precisely one of the reasons why the U.S. is in Iraq. That and oil. Everything the U.S. does in the middle east is motivated by the oil cash cow. Israel doesn't have any oil, but it's the biggest player in the middle east. So there's no question that the U.S. is always going to side with Israel. The U.S. and Israel have sort of a "you scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours," deal going on.
And before someone claims that the U.S. isn't oil crazy- PLEASE! Why do you think the U.S. is such a longtime ally of Saudi Arabia (which happens to be the world's largest oil producer)? Anyone care to research how deep Bush and Cheney are buried in oil? No, no, no, I'm not some "wacky liberal" who thinks that Republicans are the end all be all of evil. After all, the move of oil companies and the U.S. military into central Asia was a strategy crafted by Bill Clinton. And it was Clinton adviser Richard Morningstar who brought Halliburton and Cheney into the Caspian region.
Oil geologists believe that there are very few undiscovered reserves remaining in the Americas. And this has politicians, government officials, and big business pissing their pants. Like I said, if it's about the middle east, oil is the motivation. Rule the oil industry = Rule the world.
But why would the rest of the world allow the U.S. to turn it upside down? Simple- They buy into the lies. The U.S. scares the world with imaginary threats of terrorism to achieve the result of everyone thinking that the U.S. is some kind of global protector of humanity. LIES, ALL LIES! Al Qaeda was a C.I.A. invention. And the Taliban was a longtime bedfellow of the U.S. Terrorism is a tool for manipulation, just like "The Holocaust".
Yea, yea, yea, I know someone will probably get his/her panties in a bunch and accuse me of denying "The Holocaust". Blah, blah, blah. I'm not. I'm doubting the extent of what happened, which is quite plausible. It would be absurd to deny the whole thing. True, there are some people who deny that "The Holocaust" ever happened. But this generally isn't true of most people. They question the figures and other information provided to us. And they dispute the emphasis put on it. As others have said-- What about the others? Why is just one atrocity given so much attention and sympathy?
"The Holocaust'' was NOT the only holocaust ever to happen to a group of people; and I'm not going to be affected by it any more than any other genocide. The Khmer Rouge regime [Cambodia], for example, killed millions of people- starting with artists, musicians, etc... and anyone who spoke out against them. They don't call it ''The Killing Fields'' for nothing. 'Til this day, you still can't walk off the main roads there due to hidden bombs going off.
Again, I do NOT deny that "The Holocaust" ever happened. However, I do think that what happened and what history tells us happened has been distorted by the U.S., Israel, and Jewish groups to gain sympathy, to get their way, and to shape their foreign policy. (Hence my comment about "The Holocaust" being used as a tool for manipulation.) One huge clue is the spot light that's put on the Jewish victims. Well, Jews weren't the only victims. Hitler's first target was Poland. True, Polish Jews were among those who were killed. But also victimized were Polish Christians, Catholics, and those in Poland's Underground army.
Hitler's victims also included people from Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Ukraine, Russia, Holland, France, and Germany. Jehovah Witnesses were forced to wear purple armbands, imprisoned, and killed for refusing to pledge their loyalty to the Third Reich. People, including Pastors and Preachers, who refused to worship the Nazi ideology were forced into concentration camps. Many of the clergymen were housed separately from the other prisoners. Very few survived. Most were either executed or died from starvation and disease.
There were other victims as well. ''Black'' people in Nazi-occupied Europe faced persecution, medical experimentation, incarceration, sterilization, and murder. And, like the Jews, the Roma [Gypsies] were chosen for complete elimination. So why is the spot light on the Jewish victims? I repeat-- History has been distorted by the U.S., Israel, and Jewish groups to gain sympathy, to get their way, and to shape their foreign policy.
Of course, not many people are willing to tell the truth. After all, to do so is to risk being labeled a terrorist, anti-American, anti-Israel, anti-Christian and/or an anti-Semite and to risk all the possible consequences of these labels. These labels are tossed around so much now that they've lost their meaning. Anyone who doesn't buy into U.S./Israeli propaganda risks wearing either or all of the above labels- Which is such a load of crap. Labeling people as "anti-Semites" is a particularly large load of crap since not all Jews and Israeli citizens are Semitic and not all Semites descended from the ancient Hebrews. Arabs are Semites, for that matter. Why is "Semite" so commonly associated with the Jews? The indoctrination of Judaism and Christianity- That's why. Yup, like terrorism and "The Holocaust", religion is used as a tool for manipulation.
Israel wants land. The U.S. wants oil. And they're both devious imperialists who will continue to manipulate the world until they rule it.